Thursday, December 4, 2008

Finally Here!

"...a man's work is nothing but the slow trek to discover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened." -Camus

The show is finally up at Redbrick, 95 Rantoul St., Beverly MA, bottom floor.
It's only open M-F during business hours, which is too bad - except on Saturday the 6th (upcoming) when it will be open for December Open Studios from 10 a.m.--5 p.m. I will be hanging around so you can come say hi if you want, and see everything hung up, which looks very good if I do say so myself.

The work will also be on display at Gordon College sometime in the spring - probably from late January until mid-April. That will be a slightly more complete show, including smaller work, some older works from private collections, and more Silver Worlds pieces.

Snared Rabbit

top: Resurrection Rabbit
bottom: Conquered Rabbit

Another angle showing the gilded inner rims of the frames.

from left: Carrion Crows, Lotus Pond, Predator/Prey

detail of Lotus Pond

Persian Megature

Persian Megature

left: Snared Rabbit, right: I am from battles!


Abolition Fag said...

WoW. You must be proud.
From your pictures, it looks like
a good show. Rabbits have never looked so fantastic. :)

white snow red said...


Rabbit Engine said...

thanks guys! :D :D Now I am trying to plan out the next exhibition of the same paintings. Eeek, and I'm leaving in 9 days :/

I guess it will all come together somehow.

Jack said...

Do you have price lists?