Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back On Track

Ok, I've actually been "back," as in "regularly at my studio," for a little while now (July was a very slow month - necessary downtime) but haven't been putting up pictures. Thank for the nudge, Jake, this one goes out to you. And Tim, if you're seeing this, go paint something! :D

The whole shebang, set up for a studio visit/critique.

From a few days ago. The places with little black X's are prepared for my assistant the talented Susie to paint in. :D

The core of the megature. A colloquium of rabbits.

This is an example of the light refracting (science term check?) differently through the colored clouds at different angles. From the front they are not very bright and can even look like unpainted silver, whereas from this angle they are very red (or blue, n other areas).


a dear sheep

a fat sheep

Brood Nurse

Snared In Its Glory

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