Saturday, October 31, 2009

Big Blog

Wow, I haven't posted in a while and things are going very fast here....
A sampling:

Illustration for The Green Bird, Illustration Techniques. 8x10", scratchboard

Early stage of drawing for Drawing for Illustrators

Not done but mostly there.

Early stage of 3rd drawing for Drawing for Illustrators. The assignment is to do loose, unfocused markmaking (artist word! :D ) until an image starts appearing from our subconscious. Then we can start developing it.

...later on...


detail of bottom left corner

Pollockesque diptych of slouchy sad rabbit (left) and llama and bull's head (right). Not done. In the tradition of Ex Nihilo.

Experimenting with some new/old techniques. (Stuff I used to do a lot of updated with ideas from the internet).

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