Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Now It's Starting To Spread!

Here's a picture of me in my studio (working on Now It's Starting To Spread!) tonight.

Now It's Starting To Spread!, left panel of triptych, 16" x 20", acrylic, 2007 -
A pelican with a bleeding breast. To those disturbed, the pelican is a symbol of Christ in Christian iconography; it was beleived medievally that mother pelicans would peck their own breasts in times of famine and feed their blood to their young.

Study of an Arm from yesterday. The changes are pretty subtle but I've working up the values with a lot of glazing and just having fun mixing slight color variations. Microtonal glissandi as I like to think of them:)

Finally, here's a late/early version of a piece I've been working on/not working on for almost a year. As you can see, there are many layers; I've started 4 or 5 paintings on this poor guy. Tonight I was looking at it and suddenly the figure popped out at me, marble-speaking-to-Michelangelo style, so I put in some time with it. The pose is somewhat similar to the Druid in Fergus and the Druid, and since the Druid is somewhat like Nereus, always changing (just like this painting!), I might have it be a further figure study of the Druid, going more into the jagged, Yoshitoshi-like lines I've been wokring up. Given the complex nature of the background, I might leave it more as a study. That's a lesson I'm trying to learn - when I need to let something go and not obsess over having it be "finished."

Sweet dreams, everyone. I'm going to bed early(ier) tonight. Which means ideally before 12!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

thank you so much for showing this to me! I love it :)